
Trauma Responsive Education and Whole School Transformation


Welcome to Thinking Heart Solutions, where we believe in transforming education through empathy, science, innovation, and resilience. At Thinking Heart Solutions, we specialize in trauma-responsive education and whole-school transformation, offering a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of institutions, teachers, students, and educators worldwide.


Our comprehensive approach is founded on the pioneering MABEN theoretical framework, synthesizing innovative research from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, Polyvagal Theory, and Cognitive Load Theory. Centered on principles of whole-body learning and therapeutic science, we empower educators to cultivate “felt safety” and create nurturing, supportive learning environments where every student can excel academically and socially, drawing upon their individual emotionally biased experiences and adventures. Moreover, we deliver specialized training and practices in the two pillars of MABEN: INSIGHT for teachers and SENSE for non-teaching staff, ensuring an integrated approach to trauma-responsive education and whole-school transformation.






Professional Development Workshops: Engaging, interactive, and integrated workshops designed to equip educators and non-teaching staff with the knowledge and skills needed to implement trauma-responsive practices in the classroom and outside the classroom. From understanding the impact of trauma on learning to practical strategies for fostering resilience, our workshops provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for educators and staff at all levels.





Wholistic School-wide Training and Consultation: Customized training and consultation services tailored to the unique needs of schools and educational institutions. Our team collaborates closely with school leaders to assess current practices, develop trauma-responsive policies and protocols, and provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the implementation process.



Curriculum Development: Collaborative curriculum development services aimed at creating trauma-responsive learning materials that engage students, promote critical thinking, and foster emotional well-being that modulates teachers’ vicarious trauma and mitigates student’s trauma responsive reactions. Whether developing new curriculum units or adapting existing materials, our team ensures that learning experiences are inclusive, empowering, and culturally responsive. Ensuring that the curriculum implemented uncovers students’ trauma and provides practices for “minding the brain.”


Modulating Educators’ Vicarious Trauma: At Thinking Heart Solutions, we recognize that educators often experience vicarious trauma as they support students facing adversity. Our services encompass comprehensive support for teachers to mitigate the effects of vicarious trauma, ensuring their well-being and resilience. Through tailored workshops, training sessions, and individualized support, we provide educators with strategies to recognize, manage, and cope with the emotional challenges inherent in their roles. By addressing educators’ vicarious trauma, we foster a supportive environment where educators can thrive personally and professionally, enhancing their ability to positively impact student outcomes.




Community Engagement Initiatives: Community engagement initiatives are designed to build strong partnerships between schools, families, and the broader community. From parent and caretakers’ workshops to community events, we facilitate meaningful connections and provide resources and support to help create a culture of belonging and support for all students.


HLC Accreditation ConsultationAs an accredited Higher Learning Commission Peer Reviewer with expertise in trauma-responsive education, we offer specialized accreditation consultation services tailored to meet the unique needs of educational institutions. Leveraging our experience in both trauma-responsive practices and accreditation review processes, we provide comprehensive guidance and support to institutions seeking to align their accreditation efforts with inclusivity of all stakeholders. Our consultation services focus on integrating trauma-responsive practices into institutional policies, programs, and practices, ensuring that accreditation processes prioritize student well-being, faculty leadership, and institutional viability and advancement. With our expertise, institutions can navigate the accreditation process with confidence while promoting a culture of trauma responsiveness and continuous improvement.

Speaking Engagement and Leadership Training:  At Thinking Heart Solutions, we offer dynamic and inspiring keynote presentations and workshops tailored to sales professionals and corporations seeking to cultivate innovation, leadership, and resilience in their teams. Drawing upon our expertise in trauma-responsive education, cerebration leadership, and organizational development, we deliver engaging sessions that empower participants to harness the power of creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence in their professional endeavors. Leadership is about intuitive practices in a challenging environment, negating instincts, mastering strategies, uncovering problems before they happen, and unconditionally maximizing your human resources. Whether it is exploring the intersection of stress and leadership or uncovering strategies to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration, our presentations are designed to inspire action and drive meaningful change. By inviting us to speak, businesses can equip their teams with the tools and insights needed to thrive in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape, driving success, growth, and outcomes.

Join us on this journey of transformation and discovery as we work together to create a world where professionals of all industry can thrive, succeed and participate in the world’s largest economy through economic outcomes.