SEO & Digital Marketing

SEO & Digital Marketing Services

SEO and digital marketing are parts of advertisement that are utilized by companies to promote themselves and their company brands. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of generating traffic in a free and organic way. It attempts to provide search engine ranks, while the other hand digital marketing is another advertisement process. Digital marketing is the process of marketing a particular company or an individual business through digital platforms like social media. Both aspects of online marketing are inter-related, wherein SEO cannot operate without digital marketing and vice versa.

Digital marketing allows businesses to promote themselves and connect with potential customers over the internet. It uses web-based advertising and digital form of communication to market the messages. When digital marketing is done for connecting with potential customers, SEO is done to find the customers and understand their demands through their searches.

SEO & Digital Marketing Services

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a process of improving the visibility of a site to its audience and quality by increasing unpaid traffic on the page. It is important to improve the position and…

Google Local Listing

Google Local Listing is the process of listing a particular business on the map that is usually visible to the audience at the top or middle portion of the Google page. The listing appears as per the…

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing or commonly known as SMM, is the process of marketing or promoting a website, product, or service through social media sites. Although social media sites are generally used for…

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization is the process of managing and growing the brand image of an organization or an individual by improving its online presence. It is a part of digital marketing and is…

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analytical web server that provides statistical and analytical tools for SEO and digital marketing purposes. It helps the user to track and collect visitors insight…

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is used to create content and ads for visitors, matching the sites they are looking for. By generating ads on a particular site, Google AdSense allows the creator of that site to earn money.

Pay Per Click

Pay per Click also known as PPC is a common advertising model that drives traffic to particular websites by generating ads. Further, when the ad is visited by the audience, it generates profit for the…

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing channel that is used for business promotion. It provides customers and a target audience with information that is related to the latest content…

Why Should You Invest In Our SEO & Digital Marketing Packages?

Robust web hosting services for seamless website performance and lightning-fast loading. At Jet Web Solutions our hostings are reliable, secure and scalable. Optimize your digital presence and improve your website traffic through our SEO and Digital Marketing services in Durgapur. Our packages are made for businesses of all sizes. You will get SEO and Digital Marketing packages like none when you invest your time and trust our company. When you avail our website development package, you get services like Search Engine Optimization, Google Local Listing, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Optimization, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, pay-per-click, and Email Marketing.

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