Google Local Listing

Google Local Listing

Google Local Listing is the process of listing a particular business on the map that is usually visible to the audience at the top or middle portion of the Google page. The listing appears as per the keyword search of audiences that are related to the service or the name of the business. Indexing the prime URL of the company into the Google search console is what it takes to do a Google local listing. Sounds easy, but the work requires dedication and professionalism. To provide several businesses as well as individuals with such professionalism we are here with our service at Jet Web Solutions. We offer all sorts of SEO and digital marketing services at affordable prices for the benefit of our customers.

Reasons for choosing Google Local Listing service


Increase visibility: with the help of Google local listing the company or the site can be on top of Google’s list and therefore can act as the first option for audiences who are searching for similar things. Google local listing, therefore, increases visibility and encourages proper digital marketing of the site.

Free google advertisement: advertising about one’s company or site can be expensive and thus getting the option of free advertising, that too on google is considered incredible. Listing your name on the top of Google with the help of maps and google listing can thus act as a free advertisement of the company profile or the site.

Reasons for choosing us

We won’t be bragging about ourselves but we have a team of professional designers and developers who have experience and expertise in the same. We have professionals who can design and develop things as per our client’s requirements and can create digital impact with their designs for all kinds of business. We guarantee you creative and unique service at affordable prices.

Options: with our service you can get unlimited options since all of our products and services are unique and true to their nature. We provide catalogues for several types of services and thus you can choose from there as per your requirement. You can also come up with your idea and we can use that as well.

Results: we can promise that our services are fast and yet creative. You won’t have to wait for a long time to get the service that you paid for, since we have passionate and dedicated people working with us.

Rates: We can promise to provide our services at affordable rates competitive with industry rates. With our service, you won’t have to spend much to procure a professional service.

Customer satisfaction: we can guarantee you our service and customer satisfaction. We have a record of satisfying our client’s requirements and have gained several positive feedback.

Attractive Pricing Ranges For Developing Interactive Websites

Google Local Listing Basic

4000 INR/50 USD +

Google Local Listing Custom

5000 INR/60 USD +

Frequently Asked Questions

Local listing management is more than just one thing; it’s several moving parts that come together to create a stellar digital presence on the web. Proper local listing management also includes profiles on review sites and social media pages – which is where many people find local business information thus it is important.

It doesn’t at all! But it’s important to partner with a company that knows what they’re doing. Each location of the business is treated like an individual client, and a single location’s visibility will not diminish because they’re one of many.

The best source is directly from the business. The listings aren’t reviewed or updated regularly. Active listing management helps to ensure the most accurate and updated local business listing data is published across the ecosystem.

When you use a listing management service to update and publish your business listing data, it is sent out within 24 hours. But when it is published varies by platform and could take a few days to several weeks to be updated in the listing.

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